Our Services

Discover how Mauli Infotech Pvt Ltd can propel your business forward with it's cutting-edge services

Database Managed Services

With the exponential growth of data, businesses face the challenge of efficiently managing and securing their data centres.
Effective database management facilitates the establishment of a strategic roadmap for making timely, informed, and accurate decisions,thereby advancing the progress and success of the company.
At Mauli-Infotech, we're your partners in database management mastery, ensuring seamless installation and configuration, peak performance optimization, scalability, and resilience across Oracle, MS-SQL, and MySQL realms.
From dynamic clustering to resilient disaster-proof database configurations, our expertise encompasses continuous support, meticulous performance tuning, seamless version upgrades, and proficient database migrations.
We safeguard your data's integrity and propel your operations forward with precision and innovation.

Middleware Managed Services

In today's digital world, applications are essential for running businesses smoothly and driving growth.But managing these software assets can be tough,taking up a lot of time and resources..
That's where Mauli-Infotech comes in. Our Middleware Managed Services make it easy for you. We take care of everything from getting your applications up and running to keeping them working perfectly.Our team keeps an eye on things round-the-clock, fixing any issues before they cause problems.
Plus, we make sure your applications are always up-to-date and secure.
With Mauli-infotech,you can trust that your applications are in good hands, so you can focus on growing your business.
Reach out to us to see how efficiently we can help you with your applications need.

Customized Application Development

Several businesses in the industry are now started using software technologies to improve business and earn more profit in less time spam. Business needs software as per their needs which are known as customization of the software. To develop such softwares we need to understand customer requirement and analyze them after analysis we need to create plot which will demonstrate the application working to customer once customer agrees that the requirements are fulfilled then we can develop the software can be known as customized software for the specific customer. Mauli Infotech has developed multiple customized applications.

Mobile App Development

We provide some of the best services in Mobile App Development for the Android platform. We have developed some of the finest Mobile Applications for the Android platform for a wide range of clientele. Our apps are rich in user interface, design and user experience. Our teams of experienced developers leave no room for error and meticulously test the Apps across various devices with wide range of versions. We work with our clients to bring their vision to life in creative, innovative and productive manner hence providing a flawless deliverable and good experience. We will be glad to help in your unique app requirement. Just a step away to experience the best mobile app developers in the market.

Support Services - Application / System

We believe in creating a digital experience that goes beyond the regular domain. Our main aim is to give our clients a holistic perspective and a personally crafted flawless digital experience. We desire to create a digital story that is creative, innovative, provides solutions and ideas that will support a business effectively. Using interactive technology, design and web solutions, we want to break boundaries, create strategies and ensure that our clients have long-term success. To achieve this we are ready to give 24/7support to our clients with the help of our experienced engineers.

On-Site Resource Services

The technology role plays for your business cannot be under-estimated. Technology is more of a strategic piece to the overall business. In that regard, IT and business goals come together under the same lens and that’s the viewpoint On-Site takes as a value-driven partner. So, we provide on-site resource services for better experience and flawless working of clients business.